Clothes Closet
209 E Oak Street, Aledo TX 76008
Hours of Operation:
Tues, Wed, Thurs & Sat
10am – 2pm
The Clothes Closet is a clothing resource run by the Aledo Children’s AdvoCats. We offer this service to families recommended by the AISD counselors. When families are referred to the Clothes Closet, each family member living in the household is allowed to shop for clothes. Qualified families are able to shop and receive clothing free of charge.
The Clothes Closet is also open to the public as a resale shop. It is a bargain shopper’s paradise and proceeds support AdvoCats vital programs to help local children and families. The Clothes Closet welcomes donations of new or gently used clothing and accessories.
During the 2020-2021 school year, qualified Aledo ISD families requested and received assistance from the Clothes Closet almost 800 times. $38,000 in clothing was given to those families free of charge.
For more information, please contact
What to expect when you shop
Store hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday from 10 am – 2 pm. We will post any changes on social media.
For the safety of all our shoppers, volunteers and personnel, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask inside our store.
The health and well-being of our customers and volunteers are our top priority. We are disinfecting and sanitizing frequently.
If you would prefer to have our volunteers shop for your children, please email:

Dedicated to improving the lives of children throughout the communities of Aledo ISD.